Annual Meeting ADB in Milan May 2025: Supporting and Knowledge Sponsorship

Engage with the Asia and Pacific international development community


Italy will host the Asian Development Bank’s 58th Annual Meeting on 4 to 7 May 2025. The meetings will be held in Milan, marking Italy’s first time to host and the first ADB Annual Meeting in Europe in almost a decade.
The ADB Annual Meeting is the leading gathering of decision-makers from ADB members. Delegations attending the event come from over 60 different countries in Asia and the Pacific, North America, and Europe.

Here below are the key figures of the event:

  • Approximately 5,000 estimated attendees.
  • Over 60 international delegations, including the G7 countries and the major Asian and Pacific economies. Delegations are led by high-level officials, usually Ministers, Governors of Central Banks or Deputy Prime Ministers.
  • About 700 accredited banking and financial entities from around the world.
  • 4 days of thematic seminars and networking events.
  • Accredited national and international media.
  • Over 20,000 square meters of space planned to host the event.



Why become a Sponsor

This forum provides opportunities for networking with high-level government representatives, from ministries and central banks, as well as other international organizations, academics, private sector key players and civil society associations.

  • Visibility on all event informational material, digital or printed, including the website
  • Exhibition space within the meeting venue, subject to availability.
  • Visibility to national and international media accredited to the event.
  • Networking opportunities before, during, and after the 2025 Annual Meetings with ADB staff and foreign delegations.
  • Support for the promotion of the proposed initiatives on the official channels of the event.


How you can become a sponsor of the ADB Annual Meeting in Milan

Italy has published a call for sponsors to support Italy's hosting of the ADB Annual Meeting.
The necessary information to participate in the procedure is published on the Ministry of Economy and Finance at:

A courtesy translation is also available here for download.


What you can sponsor

The initiative provides the opportunity to become a Supporting sponsor or a Knowledge sponsor.

Supporting sponsor

It will be possible to sponsor the ADB Annual Meetings 2025 by providing valuable products and services such as:

  • Regional food products for a “Made in Italy” catering experience.
  • Water/Energy supply systems.
  • Furniture and other “Made in Italy” products to be evaluated.
  • Environmental, technological and/or innovative services and equipment.
  • Logistical services (private and collective transfers with cars, vans, buses).
  • Art exhibitions, concerts and shows, and touristic experiences.
  • Communication and promotion services, and other services to be evaluated.


Knowledge sponsor

Companies and organizations can sponsor networking events or thematic seminars on topics related to those addressed during the ADB Annual Meetings, which are relevant for promoting Italy’s image in the Asia and Pacific region and fostering exchanges in the international market. Thematic seminars are evaluated by the Department of the Treasury, in agreement with the ADB staff.


Main criteria of selection

The criteria for selecting proposals will focus on:

  • Identifying proposals that align with the event's institutional goals and can provide goods and services essential for its organisation while ensuring cost savings for the Administration.
  • Favouring the selection of proposals that reinforce Italy's image and encourage the choice of “made in Italy” products, services and skills.
  • Favouring the selection of proposals that provide for the use of goods and services in accordance with the principles of environmental sustainability.


Who can apply

The public call is addressed to economic operators, foundations, associations, public institutions, universities, and other entities in any form, possessing the general requirements referred to in Articles 94 and 95 of Legislative Decree No. 36 of March 31, 2023.


About ADB

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. It assists its members and partners by providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and equity investments to promote social and economic development. For more information about the ADB Annual Meetings, visit the official ADB Webpage.